Selected Publications

Research in the College of Information Sciences and Technology explores topics across a variety of core and cross-cutting domains. Filter the list below by publication author, research area, and year to explore recent publications from IST researchers.

  • Lee
  • Giles
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Kurt
  • Bollacker
  • Eric
  • Glover
, 2000
, Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2000, Volume 2
  • Kam Chuen
  • Jim
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2000
, Artificial Life
on p. 237-254
  • Daniel R.
  • Dunlap
  • Dennis C.
  • Neale
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2000
, Educational Technology and Society
on p. 442-454
  • Philip L.
  • Isenhour
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Dennis C.
  • Neale
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • Daniel R.
  • Dunlap
, 2000
, Educational Technology and Society
on p. 74-86
  • Rembrandt
  • Bakker
  • Jaap C.
  • Schouten
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
  • Floris
  • Takens
  • Cor M.
  • Van den Bleek
, 2000
, Neural computation
on p. 2355-2383
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2000
, SIGMOD Record (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data)
on p. 76-86
  • J. M.
  • Carroll
, 2000
, Interacting with Computers
on p. 43-60
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Gordon D.
  • Baxter
  • Gary
  • Jones
  • Richard M.
  • Young
, 2000
, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
on p. 141-173
  • F. T.
  • Fonseca
  • M. J.
  • Egenhofer
  • C. A.
  • Davis
  • K. A V
  • Borges
, 2000
, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
on p. 251-271
  • Gary
  • Jones
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • David J.
  • Wood
, 2000
, Psychological Science
on p. 93-100
  • Mokdong
  • Chung
  • V.
  • Honavar
, 2000
, Proceedings - International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering
on p. 403-410
  • Alexandrin
  • Popescul
  • Gary William
  • Flake
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Lyle H.
  • Ungar
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2000
, Proceedings of the Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, ADL
on p. 173-182
  • John
  • Carroll
  • George
  • Chin
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • Dennis C.
  • Neale
, 2000
on p. 239-251
  • Gary William
  • Flake
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2000
, Proceeding of the Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
on p. 150-160
  • Christian W.
  • Omlin
  • Lee
  • Giles
  • K. K.
  • Thornber
, 2000
, Hybrid Neural Systems
on p. 123-143
  • Dimitris C.
  • Lagoudas
  • Justin K.
  • Strelec
  • John
  • Yen
  • Mohammad A.
  • Khan
, 2000
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
on p. 338-348
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
  • Sandiway
  • Fong
, 2000
, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
on p. 126-140
  • James
  • Wang
, 2000
, Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium
on p. 883-887
  • Rembrandt
  • Bakker
  • Jaap C.
  • Sochouten
  • Marc Olivier
  • Coppens
  • Floris
  • Takens
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
  • Cor M.
  • Van den Bleek
, 2000
, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 - Proceedings of the 1999 Conference, NIPS 1999
on p. 879-885
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Jia
  • Li
  • Gio
  • Wiederholdy
, 2000
, Advances in Visual Information Systems - 4th International Conference, VISUAL 2000, Proceedings
on p. 360-371
  • Michael S.
  • Miller
  • Jianwen
  • Yin
  • Richard A.
  • Volz
  • Thomas R.
  • Ioerger
  • John
  • Yen
, 2000
, Intelligent Tutoring Systems - 5th International Conference, ITS 2000, Proceedings
on p. 63-72
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • Gio
  • Wiederhold
  • Martin
  • Kersten
, 2000
, Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2000 - 7th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Proceedings
on p. 86-100
  • Stefan
  • Decker
  • Jan
  • Jannink
  • Sergey
  • Melnik
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • Steffen
  • Staab
  • Rudi
  • Studer
  • Gio
  • Wiederhold
, 2000
, Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries - 4th European Conference, ECDL 2000, Proceedings
on p. 490-493
  • George
  • Chin
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2000
, Behaviour and Information Technology
on p. 233-246
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Peng
  • Ning
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
, 2000
, Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
on p. 631-640
  • J.
  • Li
  • J. Z.
  • Wang
  • G.
  • Wiederhold
, 2000
on p. [d]754-757
  • Dennis C.
  • Neale
  • Daniel R.
  • Dunlap
  • Philip
  • Isenhour
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2000
on p. 598-601
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2000
, Conceptual Modeling - ER 2000 - 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Proceedings
on p. 323-338
  • Rajesh
  • Parekh
  • Jihoon
  • Yang
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2000
, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
on p. 436-451
  • Jim
  • Helms
  • Dennis C.
  • Neale
  • Philip L.
  • Isenhour
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2000
on p. 303-306
  • Kurt D.
  • Bollacker
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
, 2000
, IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
on p. 42-47
  • Magy
  • Seif El-Nasr
  • John
  • Yen
  • Thomas R.
  • Ioerger
, 2000
, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
on p. 219-257
  • Stefan
  • Decker
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • Sergey
  • Melnik
, 2000
, IEEE Internet Computing
on p. 68-73
  • Dwi H.
  • Widyantoro
  • John
  • Yen
, 2000
, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
on p. 653-658
  • G. W.
  • Furnas
  • X.
  • Zhang
, 2000
, UIST (User Interface Software and Technology): Proceedings of the ACM Symposium
on p. 237-238
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
  • Catherine D.
  • McCollum
, 2000
, Journal of Computer Security
on p. 243-279
  • J.
  • Li
  • J. Z.
  • Wang
  • G.
  • Wiederhold
, 2000
on p. 147-156
  • Jianwen
  • Yin
  • Michael S.
  • Miller
  • Thomas R.
  • Ioerger
  • John
  • Yen
  • Richard A.
  • Volz
, 2000
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents
on p. 427-434
  • R.
  • Polikar
  • L.
  • Udpa
  • S. S.
  • Udpa
  • V.
  • Honavar
, 2000
, Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
on p. 3414-3417
  • Linyu
  • Yang
  • Zhong
  • He
  • John
  • Yen
  • Ching
  • Wu
, 2000
, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
on p. 408-413
  • Rajesh
  • Parekh
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2000
, Grammatical Inference
on p. 207-220
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2000
, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
on p. 114-119
  • J. Z.
  • Wang
, 2000
on p. 511-512
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Paul
  • Ammann
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
, 2000
, Distributed and Parallel Databases
on p. 7-40
  • Ugur
  • Cetintemel
  • Michael J.
  • Franklin
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2000
, Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
on p. 622-633
  • James
  • Wang
, 2000
, Proceedings of the ACM International Multimedia Conference and Exhibition
on p. 483-484
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Wenlei
  • Mao
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2000
, Conceptual Modeling - ER 2000 - 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Proceedings
on p. 112-125
  • Gilbert R.
  • Hillman
  • Chih Wei
  • Chang
  • Hao Ying
  • Ying
  • John
  • Yen
  • Leena
  • Ketonen
  • Thomas A.
  • Kent
, 1999
, Computers and Biomedical Research
on p. 503-516
  • Jayathi
  • Janakiraman
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 1999
, Microcomputer Applications
on p. 89-95
  • John
  • Yen
  • Liang
  • Wang
, 1999
, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
on p. 185-201