Selected Publications

Research in the College of Information Sciences and Technology explores topics across a variety of core and cross-cutting domains. Filter the list below by publication author, research area, and year to explore recent publications from IST researchers.

  • Lillian N.
  • Cassel
  • John
  • Impagliazzo
  • Deborah
  • Knox
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
  • Edward A.
  • Fox
  • Jan
  • Lee
  • Manuel
  • Pérez-Quiñones
, 2003
, Proceedings of the 8th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2003)
on p. 260
  • T.
  • Lewis
  • M. B.
  • Rosson
  • J.
  • Carroll
  • C.
  • Seals
, 2002
, Proceedings - IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments, HCC 2002
on p. 168-176
  • Dwi H.
  • Widyantoro
  • Thomas R.
  • Ioerger
  • John
  • Yen
, 2002
, Proceedings - 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2002
on p. 705-708
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • John
  • Carroll
  • Cheryl D.
  • Seals
  • Tracy L.
  • Lewis
, 2002
, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
on p. 75-83
  • Xiangyun
  • Wang
  • Diane
  • Schroeder
  • Drena
  • Dobbs
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2002
, Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2002
on p. 1193-1199
  • Carson M.
  • Andorf
  • Drena L.
  • Dobbs
  • Vasant G.
  • Honavar
, 2002
, Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2002
on p. 1200-1206
  • C.
  • Seals
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • John
  • Carroll
  • T.
  • Lewis
  • L.
  • Colson
, 2002
, Proceedings - IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments, HCC 2002
on p. 177-186
  • Umer
  • Farooq
  • Wendy
  • Schafer
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2002
, Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, WMTE 2002
on p. 91-94
  • Dianxiang
  • Xu
  • Richard
  • Volz
  • Thomas
  • Ioerger
  • John
  • Yen
, 2002
, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE '02
on p. 193-200
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • John
  • Carroll
, 2002
, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
  • Carleen F.
  • Maitland
  • Johannes M.
  • Bauer
  • Rudi
  • Westerveld
, 2002
, Telecommunications Policy
on p. 485-504
  • Yixin
  • Chen
  • James Z.
  • Wang
, 2002
, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
on p. 1252-1267
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Isaac G.
  • Councill
, 2002
, AI Magazine
on p. 107-109
  • Paul
  • Ammann
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
  • Peng
  • Liu
, 2002
, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
on p. 1167-1185
  • Johannes M.
  • Bauer
  • Michel
  • Berne
  • Carleen F.
  • Maitland
, 2002
, Telematics and Informatics
on p. 117-137
  • David M.
  • Pennock
  • Gary W.
  • Flake
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Eric J.
  • Glover
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
, 2002
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
on p. 5207-5211
  • Gary William
  • Flake
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
  • Frans M.
  • Coetzee
, 2002
, Computer
on p. 66-71
  • B. M.
  • Sadowski
  • C.
  • Maitland
  • J.
  • Van Dongen
, 2002
, Information Economics and Policy
on p. 75-93
  • Guy
  • Helmer
  • Johnny S K
  • Wong
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Les
  • Miller
, 2002
, Journal of Systems and Software
on p. 165-175
  • Xiaocong
  • Fan
  • John
  • Yen
, 2002
, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning - 9th International Conference, LPAR 2002, Proceedings
on p. 160-174
  • Guy
  • Helmer
  • Johnny
  • Wong
  • Mark
  • Slagell
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Les
  • Miller
  • Robyn
  • Lutz
, 2002
, Requirements Engineering
on p. 207-220
  • Peng
  • Liu
, 2002
, Proceedings - 18th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 2002
on p. 311-320
  • Frederico
  • Fonseca
  • James
  • Martin
  • M. Andrea
  • Rodriguez
, 2002
, Geographic Information Science - 2nd International Conference, GIScience 2002, Proceedings
on p. 93-107
  • John
  • Carroll
, 2002
, Interacting with Computers
on p. 619-627
  • Y.
  • Zhang
  • James
  • Wang
, 2002
, Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium
on p. 944-948
  • John
  • Carroll
, 2002
, Proceedings - IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering, RE 2002
on p. 3-5
  • Andrea Hoplight
  • Tapia
, 2002
, Review of Religious Research
on p. 266-286
  • Mike
  • Gallivan
  • Duane P.
  • Truex
  • Lynette
  • Kvasny
, 2002
, Proceedings of the ACM SIGCPR Conference
on p. 1-13
  • Kibum
  • Kim
  • J. M.
  • Carroll
  • M. B.
  • Rosson
, 2002
, Proceedings - IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments, HCC 2002
on p. 60-62
  • Seung Taek
  • Park
  • David M.
  • Pennock
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
  • Robert
  • Krovetz
, 2002
, SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval)
on p. 11-18
  • Foto
  • Afrati
  • Chen
  • Li
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
, 2002
, Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
on p. 209-220
  • Ingmar
  • Rauschert
  • Pyush
  • Agrawal
  • Rajeev
  • Sharma
  • Sven
  • Fuhrmann
  • Isaac
  • Brewer
  • Alan
  • Maceachren
  • Hongmei
  • Wang
  • Guoray
  • Cai
, 2002
, Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
on p. 119-124
  • Guoray
  • Cai
, 2002
, Geographic Information Science - 2nd International Conference, GIScience 2002, Proceedings
on p. 65-79
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Murali
  • Mani
  • Frank
  • Chiu
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2002
, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings
on p. 282-291
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Murali
  • Mani
  • Frank
  • Chiu
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2002
, Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
on p. 267
  • Jun
  • Zhang
  • Adrian
  • Silvescu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2002
, Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation - 5th International Symposium, SARA 2002, Proceedings
on p. 316-323
  • Frederico
  • Fonseca
  • Max
  • Egenhofer
  • Clodoveu
  • Davis
  • Gilberto
  • Câmara
, 2002
, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
on p. 121-151
  • Xiaolong
  • Zhang
  • George W.
  • Furnas
, 2002
, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments
on p. 31-38
  • Eldar
  • Giladi
  • Michael G.
  • Walker
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Wayne
  • Volkmuth
, 2002
, Bioinformatics
on p. 873-879
  • Marc
  • Vass
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Clifford A.
  • Shaffer
, 2002
, Proceedings of the Fourth Creativity and Cognition Conference
on p. 31-37
  • John
  • Yen
  • Xiaocong
  • Fan
, 2002
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
on p. 447-454
  • Frederico T.
  • Fonseca
  • Max J.
  • Egenhofer
  • Peggy
  • Agouris
  • Gilberto
  • Cmara
, 2002
, Transactions in GIS
on p. 231-257
  • Secil
  • Ugurel
  • Robert
  • Krovetz
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
  • David M.
  • Pennock
  • Eric J.
  • Glover
  • Hongyuan
  • Zha
, 2002
, Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
on p. 632-638
  • V.
  • Vishwanathan
  • J.
  • McCalley
  • V.
  • Honavar
, 2001
, 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings
on p. 438-444
  • John
  • Yen
  • Jianwen
  • Yin
  • Thomas R.
  • Ioerger
  • Michael S.
  • Miller
  • Dianxiang
  • Xu
  • Richard A.
  • Volz
, 2001
, IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
on p. 1135-1142
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Yanping
  • Du
, 2001
, Proceedings of First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
on p. 268-277
  • Adrian
  • Silvescu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2001
, Proceedings of the Atlantic Symposium on Computational Biology and Genome Information Systems and Technology, CBGIST 2001
on p. 260-265