Selected Publications

Research in the College of Information Sciences and Technology explores topics across a variety of core and cross-cutting domains. Filter the list below by publication author, research area, and year to explore recent publications from IST researchers.

  • Eric J.
  • Glover
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Michael D.
  • Gordon
  • William P.
  • Birmingham
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2001
, Communications of the ACM
on p. 97-102
  • Robi
  • Polikar
  • Lalita
  • Udpa
  • Satish S.
  • Udpa
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2001
, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews
on p. 497-508
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2001
, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
on p. 23-45
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Wesley W.
  • Chu
, 2001
, Data and Knowledge Engineering
on p. 3-25
  • Abby A.
  • Goodrum
  • Katherine W.
  • McCain
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
, 2001
, Information Processing and Management
on p. 661-675
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Jia
  • Li
  • Gio
  • Wiederhold
, 2001
, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
on p. 947-963
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Peng
  • Ning
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
, 2001
, Decision Support Systems
on p. 337-350
  • Reza
  • Langari
  • John
  • Yen
, 2001
, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
on p. 481-482
  • P. L.
  • Isenhour
  • M. B.
  • Rosson
  • J. M.
  • Carroll
, 2001
, Interacting with Computers
on p. 655-676
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Richard M.
  • Young
, 2001
, International Journal of Human Computer Studies
on p. 1-14
  • Rajesh
  • Parekh
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2001
, Machine Learning
on p. 9-35
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Colin
  • De La Higuera
, 2001
, Machine Learning
on p. 5-7
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Ah Chung
  • Tsoi
, 2001
, Machine Learning
on p. 161-183
  • Tanya L.
  • Cheyne
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
, 2001
, Communications of the ACM
on p. 94-98
  • Armin R.
  • Mikler
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Johnny S K
  • Wong
, 2001
, Journal of Systems and Software
on p. 231-246
  • Dwi H.
  • Widyantoro
  • Thomas R.
  • Ioerger
  • John
  • Yen
, 2001
, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
on p. 212-225
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • David M.
  • Pennock
  • Gary William
  • Flake
  • Robert
  • Krovetz
  • Frans M.
  • Coetzee
  • Eric
  • Glover
  • Finn Årup
  • Nielsen
  • Andries
  • Kruger
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2001
, Computer
on p. 26-31
  • Johnny
  • Wong
  • Guy
  • Helmer
  • Venkatraman
  • Naganathan
  • Sriniwas
  • Polavarapu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Les
  • Miller
, 2001
, Journal of Systems and Software
on p. 9-22
  • P.
  • Mitra
  • G.
  • Wiederhold
, 2001
, Proceedings - 2nd Annual IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2001
on p. 174-182
  • P.
  • Mitra
, 2001
, Proceedings - 12th Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2001
on p. 99-106
  • R.
  • Polikar
  • R.
  • Shinar
  • V.
  • Honavar
  • L.
  • Upda
  • M. D.
  • Porter
, 2001
, ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings
on p. 3137-3140
  • Emma
  • Norling
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
, 2001
, AI 2001
on p. 368-377
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Yanping
  • Du
, 2001
, Proceedings of the 1st ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2001
on p. 268-277
  • Dwi H.
  • Widyantoro
  • John
  • Yen
, 2001
, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
on p. 1291-1294
  • L.
  • Yang
  • D. H.
  • Widyantoro
  • T.
  • Ioerger
  • J.
  • Yen
, 2001
, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC
on p. 790-796
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2001
, Behaviour and Information Technology
on p. 307-314
  • Peng
  • Liu
, 2001
, Proceedings - 17th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 2001
on p. 219-229
  • Dake
  • Wang
  • Xiangyun
  • Wang
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Drena L.
  • Dobbs
, 2001
, Proceedings of the Atlantic Symposium on Computational Biology and Genome Information Systems and Technology, CBGIST 2001
on p. 53-58
  • Lynette
  • Kvasny
  • Duane
  • Truex
, 2001
, Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Dev.: The Social and Organizational Perspective - IFIP TC8/WG8.2 Working Conf. on Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Dev.
on p. 399-414
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • Philip
  • Isenhour
  • Craig
  • Ganoe
  • Dan
  • Dunlap
  • James
  • Fogarty
  • Wendy
  • Schafer
  • Christina
  • Van Metre
, 2001
, International Journal of Human Computer Studies
on p. 725-751
  • David M.
  • Pennock
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Finn Årup
  • Nielsen
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2001
, Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
on p. 174-183
  • F. M.
  • Coetzee
  • E.
  • Glover
  • S.
  • Lawrence
  • C. L.
  • Giles
, 2001
, Proceedings - 2001 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, SAINT 2001
on p. 5-14
  • Doina
  • Caragea
  • Dianne
  • Cook
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2001
, Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
on p. 251-256
  • K. C.
  • Jim
  • C. L.
  • Giles
, 2001
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents
on p. 584-591
  • E. J.
  • Glover
  • G. W.
  • Flake
  • S.
  • Lawrence
  • W. P.
  • Birmingham
  • A.
  • Kruger
  • C. L.
  • Giles
  • D. M.
  • Pennock
, 2001
, Proceedings - 2001 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, SAINT 2001
on p. 23-32
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • Philip L.
  • Isenhour
  • Christina
  • Van Metre
  • Wendy A.
  • Schafer
  • Craig H.
  • Ganoe
, 2001
, Internet Research
on p. 65-73
  • P.
  • Liu
  • S.
  • Jajodia
, 2001
, Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop
on p. 191-205
  • Rich
  • Caruana
  • Steve
  • Lawrence
  • Lee
  • Giles
, 2001
, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13 - Proceedings of the 2000 Conference, NIPS 2000
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Yanping
  • Du
, 2001
, Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2001
on p. 380-385
  • Murali
  • Mani
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Richard R.
  • Muntz
, 2001
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
on p. 149-163
  • D. M.
  • Pennock
  • S.
  • Lawrence
  • C. L.
  • Giles
  • F. Å
  • Nielsen
, 2001
, Science
on p. 987-988
  • James Z.
  • Wang
  • Jia
  • Li
  • Robert M.
  • Gray
  • Gio
  • Wiederhold
, 2001
, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
on p. 85-90
  • Dwi H.
  • Widyantoro
  • John
  • Yen
, 2001
, Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS
on p. 610-615
  • James Z.
  • Wang
, 2001
, Journal of Biomedical Informatics
on p. 129-141
  • Gilberto
  • Câmara
  • Max J.
  • Egenhofer
  • Frederico
  • Fonseca
  • Antônio Miguel Vieira
  • Monteiro
, 2001
, Spatial Information Theory
on p. 474-488
  • M.
  • Diligentit
  • F. M.
  • Coetzee
  • S.
  • Lawrence
  • C. L.
  • Giles
  • M.
  • Gori
, 2000
, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB'00
on p. 527-534