New Student Orientation (NSO) Resources

Welcome to your Pre-Academic Consultation Resource Guide for the College of IST! Below are some important steps for you to take to ensure that you are prepared for your academic consultation.


Steps before consultation


1. Take ALEKS if it is required for you. After you receive your score, review the math placement to learn which math class will be appropriate for you and your major of intent.

2. Do you have any transfer, AP, or IB credits? If so, please do the following:

  • Fill out the Transfer Credit Survey in Starfish
  • Find out how your transfer credits will transfer to Penn State.
  • Be prepared to share this information with the adviser who helps you in your consultation. Without this information, the adviser might not be able to fully advise you on your first semester.

3. Review the first semester of the Suggested Academic Plans for your intended major (or for all majors you are considering)

Additional Resources

If you need further help please contact the Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising.