The College of IST's research centers, labs, and groups include national and international scholars which cover a broad spectrum of research areas. The diversity of research we cover is driven by our spirit for interdisciplinary collaborations that advance discovery at the intersection of information, technology, and society. In addition to our own facilities, we have relationships with related centers and labs across Penn State.
A11y stands for Accessibility – there are 11 letters between the “A” and the “y." We believe accessibility is a human right; we also believe making things accessible for people with disabilities is a hard problem. Often, this problem is layered, multi-dimensinoal, and difficult to describe and theorize. At A11y Lab, we aim to address how to make non-visual interaction as efficient as visual interaction; how to make Assistive Technologies easy-to-learn, frictionless, and ubiquitous; how to build new assistive technology to augment or empower human capability; and how to design robust, efficient, and extensible accessibility APIs in modern Operating Systems.