Academic Services Appointments

Students can schedule meetings with staff in the college's various Academic Services offices to get the information, resources, and guidance they need to be successful. Use the resources below to schedule an appointment.

Undergraduate Academic Advising

Spring 2025 | Scheduled Appointments

To schedule an appointment with your assigned academic adviser (for students in the College of IST):

  • Visit Starfish and click on "Home"
  • Find “My Success Network” in the navigation pane.
    This will show you all your instructors and adviser. You can make an appointment with your adviser from their Individual profiles.
  • Click "Schedule Appointment" link.
    Calendar (left-hand side) will show dates with open appointment times. Days in bold-face are the ones available for scheduling.
  • Click the + icon next to the appointment time that fits your schedule.
  • Select a reason for the appointment.
  • Type a detailed description for the meeting to help the adviser best prepare for the meeting.

If none of the available appointments work with your schedule, email your assigned adviser or with your availability and you will be contacted directly to schedule an appointment.

Spring 2025 | Drop-In Advising

Drop-in advising appointments for the current semester will be held at the times and formats below. These sessions, capped at 10 minutes in length, are available at the times listed below for quick questions and are not meant for long-term planning.

Drop-in advising is intended for students in the College of IST and for students from other colleges wanting to discuss IST majors and/or minors. 

For internship or job search-related questions, please visit Career Solutions Drop-Ins.

Advising spring semester drop-ins (January 20-May 9, 2025)
  • Tuesday- 1:30-3:30 p.m. (in person only, E103 Westgate Building)
  • Wednesday-1:30-3:30 p.m. (in person only, E103 Westgate Building)
  • Thursday-  1:30-3:30 p.m. (in person E103 Westgate Building and online via Zoom )  

Spring Break (March 10-14, 2025) Advising drop-ins will be closed.

Career Solutions

Spring 2025 | Scheduled Appointments

To schedule an appointment with a career coach in the Office of Career Solutions and Corporate Engagement:

  • Visit Starfish
  • Search for "Information Sciences Career Solutions" in the services section
  • Click on "Schedule an Appointment" on the left-hand side if you are looking for first available appointments
  • Click on the three dots next to a career coach name to find their availability
  • Then click on "Career Coaching" to see the available times

If none of the available appointments work with your schedule, email with your availability and someone will contact you directly to schedule an appointment.

Spring 2025 | Drop-Ins Careers

Drop by our career coaching drop-in sessions every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-2 p.m. in E103 Westgate where you can receive targeted advice in just 5 minutes. Perfect for quick insights on internships, resumes, and career planning to help you excel in your future endeavors. Remember, these sessions are capped at 10 minutes in length. They are not meant for long-term planning. Please schedule an appointment for longer career coaching questions so we can better assist you.

Note that drop-ins will not be held during the week of Spring Break (March 11-12).

Inclusion and Diversity Engagement

To schedule an appointment with a team member from the Office of Inclusion and Diversity Engagement, email

Student Engagement

To schedule an appointment to discuss co-curricular opportunities that enhance your classroom learning, such as student organizations, student ambassador programs, and other leadership development opportunities with a team member from the Office of Student Engagement, visit

Graduate Students

If you have questions about course registration, comprehensive exams, final exam scheduling, degree requirements, or other matters, contact to request a virtual or phone appointment.

World Campus Students

Current undergraduate students should contact their Penn State World Campus academic adviser with specific program questions, which can be found in LionPATH. For academic and student services, students should visit the World Campus website.

Current graduate students can contact the Office of Graduate Programs for program-related questions. Information related to financial aid, technical support, and other student support items can be found on the World Campus website.