Teaching and Learning Resources
- Example Laptop Policy - Example laptop policy, for inclusion on course syllabi (from James Lang)
- Lesson Plan Templates - Lesson plan templates for 50-minute class periods, including three different types of teaching (e.g., lecture, small group activities, etc.)
- Sample Syllabus Language- Text about the laptop requirement, strategies for learning, and more (for inclusion on course syllabi)
- Slides Explaining the Laptop Requirement - Slides to explain the motivation for the laptop requirement, review the specifications, and point students to resources (for faculty use in class)
- Tech Ops and Threats Annotated Bibliography - An annotated bibliography of opportunities and threats in using technology in the classroom
- Tips for students to prevent laptop distractions - Suggestions about using technology for good in learning environments (to be included in course syllabi or shared separately with students)
- Instructional and Learning Tools - Instructional and learning tools for use in College of IST courses (approved for use by Penn State)
- Types of In-class Activities with Laptops - Examples of how instructors have used or could use laptops in different types of College of IST courses