Photo of Ting-Hao (Kenneth) Huang

Ting-Hao (Kenneth)

Associate Professor
E357 Westgate Building
288 Burrowes Road, University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-9463
Ph.D., Language and Information Technologies, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2018)
M.S., Language and Information Technologies, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2013)
M.S., Computer Science, National Taiwan University (2009)
B.S. (Computer Science) & B.A. (Chinese Literature, Double Major), National Taiwan University (2007)
Research Interests

I combine AI with crowdsourcing to create systems that are usable, robust, and intelligent.

Research Keywords
Crowdsourcing & Human Computation
Crowd-AI Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Natural Language Processing
Artificial Intelligence