Selected Publications

Research in the College of Information Sciences and Technology explores topics across a variety of core and cross-cutting domains. Filter the list below by publication author, research area, and year to explore recent publications from IST researchers.

  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Michael
  • Schoelles
  • Laura Cousino
  • Klein
  • Sue E.
  • Kase
, 2007
on p. 299-304
  • Xiaocong
  • Fan
  • John
  • Yen
, 2007
, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems
on p. 357-373
  • Xiang
  • Zhang
  • Wei
  • Wang
  • Jun
  • Huan
, 2007
, Proceedings of the 7th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
on p. 623-628
  • Junzhou
  • Huang
  • Xiaolei
  • Huang
  • Dimitris
  • Metaxas
, 2007
  • Yang
  • Sun
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2007
, Advances in Information Retrieval - 29th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2007, Proceedings
on p. 605-612
  • Bo
  • Luo
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Peng
  • Liu
, 2007
, Computer Security - ESORICS 2007 - 12th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Proceedings
on p. 55-71
  • Abhilasha
  • Bhargav-Spantzel
  • Anna C.
  • Squicciarini
  • Shimon
  • Modi
  • Matthew
  • Young
  • Elisa
  • Bertino
  • Stephen J.
  • Elliott
, 2007
, Journal of Computer Security
on p. 529-560
  • Abhilasha
  • Bhargav-Spantzel
  • Anna C.
  • Squicciarini
  • Matthew
  • Young
  • Elisa
  • Bertino
, 2007
, Human Interface and the Management of Information
on p. 694-702
  • Jie
  • Bao
  • Giora
  • Slutzki
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2007
, Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2007
on p. 791-797
  • Haizheng
  • Zhang
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
  • Henry C.
  • Foley
  • John
  • Yen
, 2007
, AAAI-07/IAAI-07 Proceedings: 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 19th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
on p. 663-668
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Helena M.
  • Mentis
  • Gregorio
  • Convertino
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • Craig H.
  • Ganoe
  • Hansa
  • Sinha
  • Dejin
  • Zhao
, 2007
, Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2007 Academic Proceedings Papers
on p. 105-113
  • Jie
  • Bao
  • Doina
  • Caragea
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2007
, Semantic e-Science - Papers from the 2007 AAAI Workshop, Technical Report
on p. 9-16
  • Shizhuo
  • Zhu
  • Joanna
  • Abraham
  • Sharoda A.
  • Paul
  • Madhu
  • Reddy
  • John
  • Yen
  • Mark
  • Pfaff
  • Christopher
  • DeFlitch
, 2007
, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2007, Proceedings
on p. 24-33
  • Xiaocong
  • Fan
  • John
  • Yen
, 2007
, AAMAS'07 - Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
on p. 395-402
  • Kazunori
  • Okada
  • Xiaolei
  • Huang
, 2007
, 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'07
  • Byung Won
  • On
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
, 2007
, Proceedings of the 7th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
on p. 575-580
  • Xiao
  • Yan
  • Luo
  • Bo
  • Lee
  • Dongwon
, 2007
, Advances in Databases: Concepts, Systems and Applications - 12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2007, Proceedings
on p. 949-954
  • Fadi
  • Towfic
  • Cornelia
  • Caragea
  • Drena
  • Dobbs
  • David C.
  • Gemperline
  • Feihong
  • Wu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2007
, Proceedings - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops, BIBMW
on p. 60-66
  • Lu
  • Xiao
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
, 2007
, Human-Computer Interaction
on p. 371-380
  • Anna Cinzia
  • Squicciarini
  • Alberto
  • Trombetta
  • Elisa
  • Bertino
, 2007
, 27th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS'07
  • Ying
  • Liu
  • Kun
  • Bai
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2007
, Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2007: Building and Sustaining the Digital Environment
on p. 91-100
  • Meng
  • Yu
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Wanyu
  • Zang
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
, 2007
, Secure Data Management in Decentralized Systems
on p. 59-94
  • Mark A.
  • Cohen
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Steven R.
  • Haynes
, 2007
on p. 157-162
  • Chi Chun
  • Pan
  • Anuj R.
  • Jaiswal
  • Junyan
  • Luo
  • Anthony
  • Robinson
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • Alan M.
  • Maceachren
  • Ian
  • Turton
, 2007
, VAST IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2007, Proceedings
on p. 243-244
  • Elisa
  • Bertino
  • Anna C.
  • Squicciarini
, 2006
, Proceedings - 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2006
  • Carleen F.
  • Maitland
  • Nicolai
  • Pogrebnyakov
  • Annemijn F.
  • Van Gorp
, 2006
, 2006 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Development, ICTD 2006
on p. 339-346
  • Carleen
  • Maitland
  • Annemijn
  • Van Gorp
  • Ankur
  • Tarnacha
  • Rudi
  • Westerveld
, 2006
, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Electronic Commerce 2006 - The New E-Commerce
on p. 309-318
  • Steve
  • Sawyer
  • Andrea
  • Tapia
, 2006
, Information Society
on p. 311-323
  • Byung Won
  • On
  • Ergin
  • Elmacioglu
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Jaewoo
  • Kang
  • Jian
  • Pei
, 2006
, 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006
on p. 51-52
  • Peng
  • Liu
, 2006
, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
  • Ying
  • Liu
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
  • Kun
  • Bai
, 2006
, 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006
on p. 339-340
  • Song
  • Yang
  • Zhou
  • Ding
  • Huang
  • Jian
  • Isaac G.
  • Councill
  • Zha
  • Hongyuan
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2006
, Proceedings - Sixth International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2006
on p. 1064-1069
  • Huajing
  • Li
  • Isaac
  • Councill
  • Wang Chien
  • Lee
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2006
, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on World Wide Web
on p. 883-884
  • Huajing
  • Li
  • Isaac G.
  • Councill
  • Levent
  • Bolelli
  • Ding
  • Zhou
  • Yang
  • Song
  • Wang Chien
  • Lee
  • Anand
  • Sivasubramaniam
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
, 2006
, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Scalable Information Systems, InfoScale '06
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Doina
  • Caragea
, 2006
, Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, CTS 2006
  • Feihong
  • Wu
  • Byron
  • Olson
  • Drena
  • Dobbs
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2006
, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2006, IJCNN '06
on p. 1612-1616
  • Eileen M.
  • Trauth
  • Lynette
  • Kvasny
  • Anita
  • Greenhill
, 2006
, Issues and Trends in Technology and Human Interaction
on p. 1-24
  • James
  • Wang
  • Nozha
  • Boujemaa
  • Alberto
  • Del Bimbo
  • Donald
  • Geman
  • Alexander G.
  • Hauptmann
  • Jelena
  • Tešić
, 2006
, Proceedings of the 8th ACM Multimedia International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, MIR 2006
on p. 5-12
  • Ankur
  • Tarnacha
  • Carleen F.
  • Maitland
, 2006
, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Electronic Commerce 2006 - The New E-Commerce
on p. 589-593
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2006
, Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, DIS
on p. iii-iv
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2006
, Rationale Management in Software Engineering
on p. VII-VIII
  • John
  • Carroll
  • Paul
  • Dourish
  • Batya
  • Friedman
  • Masaaki
  • Kurosu
  • Gary M.
  • Olson
  • Alistair
  • Sutcliffe
, 2006
, CHI'06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA'06
on p. 17-20
  • Isaac G.
  • Councill
  • Huajing
  • Li
  • Ziming
  • Zhuang
  • Sandip
  • Debnath
  • Levent
  • Bolelli
  • Wang Chien
  • Lee
  • Anand
  • Sivasubramaniam
  • C. Lee
  • Giles
, 2006
, 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006
on p. 276-285
  • Xiang
  • Zhang
  • Wei
  • Wang
, 2006
, Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2006
on p. 838-839
  • Jyotishman
  • Pathak
  • Samik
  • Basu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2006
, AI-Driven Technologies for Services-Oriented Computing - Papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical Report
on p. 44-51
  • Bingjun
  • Sun
  • Ding
  • Zhou
  • Hongyuan
  • Zha
  • John
  • Yen
, 2006
, Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2006
on p. 846-847
  • Hyunyoung
  • Kil
  • Seog Chan
  • Oh
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
, 2006
, CEUR Workshop Proceedings
on p. 19-34
  • Justin
  • Fisher
  • Hyunyoung
  • Kil
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
, 2006
, 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006
  • Jyotishman
  • Pathak
  • Samik
  • Basu
  • Robyn
  • Lutz
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2006
, Proceedings of ECOWS 2006
on p. 3-12
  • Abhilasham
  • Bhargav-Spantzel
  • Anna
  • Squicciarini
  • Elisa
  • Bertino
, 2006
, Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management, DIM 2006. Co-located with the 13th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS'06
on p. 63-72