Selected Publications

Research in the College of Information Sciences and Technology explores topics across a variety of core and cross-cutting domains. Filter the list below by publication author, research area, and year to explore recent publications from IST researchers.

  • Josef
  • Nerb
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Pat
  • Langley
, 2010
, In Order to Learn
  • Xiang
  • Zhang
  • Feng
  • Pan
  • Yuying
  • Xie
  • Fei
  • Zou
  • Wei
  • Wang
, 2010
, Journal of Computational Biology
on p. 401-415
  • Xiaocong
  • Fan
  • Michael
  • McNeese
  • Bingjun
  • Sun
  • Timothy
  • Hanratty
  • Laurel
  • Allender
  • John
  • Yen
, 2010
, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans
on p. 306-320
  • Xiaocong
  • Fan
  • Po Chun
  • Chen
  • John
  • Yen
, 2010
, Cognitive Systems Research
on p. 108-119
  • Andrea H.
  • Tapia
  • Julio Angel
  • Ortiz
, 2010
, Social Science Computer Review
on p. 93-117
  • Anuj
  • Jaiswal
  • David J.
  • Miller
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
, 2010
, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
on p. 291-304
  • Y. H.
  • Choi
  • L.
  • Li
  • P.
  • Liu
  • G.
  • Kesidis
, 2010
, Computers and Security
on p. 104-123
  • Sumit
  • Bhatia
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
, 2010
, AAAI-10 / IAAI-10 - Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 22nd Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
on p. 1300-1305
  • Edgar A.
  • Maldonado
  • Carleen F.
  • Maitland
  • Andrea H.
  • Tapia
, 2010
, Information Systems Frontiers
on p. 9-27
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2010
, Interacting with Computers
on p. 3-12
  • Lun Wei
  • Ku
  • Ting Hao
  • Huang
  • Hsin Hsi
  • Chen
, 2010
, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010
on p. 1315-1319
  • Ganesh Ram
  • Santhanam
  • Samik
  • Basu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2010
, AAAI-10 / IAAI-10 - Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 22nd Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
on p. 357-362
  • Ignacio
  • Aedo
  • Paloma
  • Díaz
  • John
  • Carroll
  • Gregorio
  • Convertino
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
, 2010
, Information Processing and Management
on p. 11-21
  • Hao
  • Jiang
  • John M.
  • Carroll
  • Roderick
  • Lee
, 2010
, Knowledge and Process Management
on p. 22-35
  • Hao
  • Jiang
  • Craig
  • Ganoe
  • John
  • Carroll
, 2010
, Education and Information Technologies
on p. 219-236
  • Fengjun
  • Li
  • Jake Y.
  • Chen
  • Xukai
  • Zou
  • Peng
  • Liu
, 2010
, Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
on p. 133-136
  • Ting Hao
  • Huang
  • Lun Wei
  • Ku
  • Hsin Hsi
  • Chen
, 2010
, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010
on p. 844-850
  • Bernard J.
  • Jansen
  • Andrea
  • Tapia
  • Amanda
  • Spink
, 2010
, Religion
on p. 39-52
  • Pucktada
  • Treeratpituk
  • Pradeep
  • Teregowda
  • Jian
  • Huang
  • Clyde Lee
  • Giles
, 2010
, ACL 2010 - SemEval 2010 - 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Proceedings
on p. 182-185
  • Fadi
  • Towfic
  • Cornelia
  • Caragea
  • David C.
  • Gemperline
  • Drena
  • Dobbs
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2010
, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
on p. 21-43
  • Saurabh
  • Kataria
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • Sumit
  • Bhatia
, 2010
, AAAI-10 / IAAI-10 - Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 22nd Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
on p. 1340-1345
  • Changkun
  • Zhao
  • Jaehyon
  • Paik
  • Jonathan H.
  • Morgan
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
, 2010
, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2010
on p. 181-188
  • Bi
  • Chen
  • Leilei
  • Zhu
  • Daniel
  • Kifer
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
, 2010
, AAAI-10 / IAAI-10 - Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 22nd Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
on p. 1007-1012
  • Edward
  • Kim
  • Xiaolei
  • Huang
  • Gang
  • Tan
  • L. Rodney
  • Long
  • Sameer
  • Antani
, 2010
, Medical Imaging 2010 - Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications
  • Fengjun
  • Li
  • Bo
  • Luo
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Chao Hsien
  • Chu
, 2010
, 2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM
  • Edward
  • Kim
  • Tian
  • Shen
  • Xiaolei
  • Huang
, 2010
, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2010
on p. 232-237
  • Jonathan H.
  • Morgan
  • Geoffrey P.
  • Morgan
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
, 2010
, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory
on p. 246-270
  • Paloma
  • Díaz
  • Ignacio
  • Aedo
  • Mary Beth
  • Rosson
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2010
, Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI' 10
on p. 67-74
  • Cornelia
  • Caragea
  • Adrian
  • Silvescu
  • Doina
  • Caragea
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
, 2010
, Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2010
on p. 68-77
  • Ritendra
  • Datta
  • James
  • Wang
, 2010
, MIR 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
on p. 421-424
  • Hongsheng
  • Li
  • Tian
  • Shen
  • Dimitrios
  • Vavylonis
  • Xiaolei
  • Huang
, 2010
, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI2010 - 13th International Conference, Proceedings
on p. 86-94
  • Yoojin
  • Hong
  • Jaewoo
  • Kang
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
  • Damian B.
  • van Rossum
, 2010
, PloS one
  • Jennifer R.
  • Warren
  • Michael L.
  • Hecht
  • Eura
  • Jung
  • Lynette
  • Kvasny
  • Mark G.
  • Henderson
, 2010
, Communication Research
on p. 674-702
  • Olivier L.
  • Georgeon
  • Jonathan H.
  • Morgan
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
, 2010
, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, ICCM 2010
on p. 73-78
  • Mark A.
  • Cohen
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Steven R.
  • Haynes
, 2010
, AI Magazine
on p. 25-44
  • Louis Marie Ngamassi
  • Tchouakeu
  • Carleen
  • Maitland
  • Andrea H.
  • Tapia
  • Kang
  • Zhao
  • Kartikeya
  • Bajpai
, 2010
, ISCRAM 2010 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: Defining Crisis Management 3.0, Proceedings
  • Kang
  • Zhao
  • Louis Marie
  • Ngamassi
  • John
  • Yen
  • Carleen
  • Maitland
  • Andrea
  • Tapia
, 2010
, Advances in Social Computing - Third International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction, SBP 2010, Proceedings
on p. 265-272
  • Hongyu
  • Sun
  • Samik
  • Basu
  • Vasant
  • Honavar
  • Robyn
  • Lutz
, 2010
, Proceedings - 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2010
on p. 348-357
  • Hung Sik
  • Kim
  • Hau Wen
  • Chang
  • Jeongkyu
  • Lee
  • Dongwon
  • Lee
, 2010
, Advances in Information Retrieval - 32nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2010, Proceedings
on p. 229-240
  • William G.
  • Kennedy
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Bradley J.
  • Best
, 2010
, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory
on p. 217-219
  • Jaehyon
  • Paik
  • Jong W.
  • Kim
  • Frank E.
  • Ritter
  • Jonathan H.
  • Morgan
  • Steven R.
  • Haynes
  • Mark A.
  • Cohen
, 2010
, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, ICCM 2010
on p. 187-192
  • Shaoting
  • Zhang
  • Junzhou
  • Huang
  • Wei
  • Wang
  • Xiaolei
  • Huang
  • Dimitris
  • Metaxas
, 2010
, Medical Imaging 2010
  • Alison E.
  • Barnhill
  • Laura A.
  • Hecker
  • Oksana
  • Kohutyuk
  • Janice E.
  • Buss
  • Vasant G.
  • Honavar
  • Heather West
  • Greenlee
, 2010
, BMC Research Notes
  • Paula M.
  • Bach
  • John M.
  • Carroll
, 2010
, Journal of the Association for Information Systems
on p. 902-925
  • K. D.
  • Joshi
  • Lynette
  • Kvasny
  • Sterling
  • McPherson
  • Eileen
  • Trauth
  • Sadan
  • Kulturel-Konak
  • Jan
  • Mahar
, 2010
, ICIS 2010 Proceedings - Thirty First International Conference on Information Systems
  • Pradeep B.
  • Teregowda
  • Bhuvan
  • Urgaonkar
  • C.
  • Lee Giles
, 2010
  • Qi
  • He
  • Jian
  • Pei
  • Daniel
  • Kifer
  • Prasenjit
  • Mitra
  • Lee
  • Giles
, 2010
, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW '10
on p. 421-430
  • Andre
  • Brock
  • Lynette
  • Kvasny
  • Kayla
  • Hales
, 2010
, Information Communication and Society
on p. 1040-1059
  • Paul
  • Barford
  • Marc
  • Dacier
  • Thomas G.
  • Dietterich
  • Matt
  • Fredrikson
  • Jon
  • Giffin
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
  • Somesh
  • Jha
  • Jason
  • Li
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Peng
  • Ning
  • Xinming
  • Ou
  • Dawn
  • Song
  • Laura
  • Strater
  • Vipin
  • Swarup
  • George
  • Tadda
  • Cliff
  • Wang
  • John
  • Yen
, 2010
, Cyber Situational Awareness
on p. 3-13
  • Sushil
  • Jajodia
  • Peng
  • Liu
  • Vipin
  • Swarup
  • Cliff
  • Wang
, 2010
, Cyber Situational Awareness
on p. iii-iv