Social and Organizational Informatics

Claim replicability may help prevent harms caused by ML

The ability of a model to duplicate its performance is how machine learning (ML) scientists traditionally justify the validity of their research claims. But according to one graduate student in the College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST), this model performance replicability may not be enough to align ML with the goal of machine learning for social good. 

Doctoral student story discusses digital privacy and data ethics

A story by Sanjana Gautam, a doctoral student of informatics in the College of IST, appeared in Medium on April 27. “From Data Deluge to Privacy Paradox” delves into the complexities of managing personal data, exploring the impact of technological innovations, societal shifts and regulatory landscapes on privacy rights. 

Key insights from the story include:

Media Mention: Priya Kumar, The Washington Post

Where: The Washington Post, “As the internet gets scarier, more parents keep their kids’ photos offline”   

Who: Priya Kumar, assistant professor in the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST)   

What: Kumar, who studies children’s privacy in relation to digital technologies, was quoted in a story about how families are protecting their privacy online.