Our work in human-centered computing and social informatics hosts cutting-edge research, exceptional teaching, and innovative collaboration in human-computer interactions, human-centered design, application development and usability, human-centered artificial intelligence, information ethics, and social-organizational informatics. Our mission is to foster research excellence and educational leadership by designing and developing computing solutions that prioritize human needs, ethical considerations, and societal impact. We strive to empower students, researchers, and practitioners with the skills, knowledge, and to shape the future of computing as a force for positive social change.

Associate Professor
Digital Health; Human-Computer Interaction; Human-centered AI for Health

Assistant Teaching Professor
Learning Analytics; Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL); Epistemic Agency

Assistant Professor
Human-Computer Interaction; Intelligent Interaction System; Accessible Computing

Associate Teaching Professor
usability and user experience; virtual reality learning environments; computational thinking

Associate Professor
Geographical information science; Visual analytics; Online democracy and deliberation

Distinguished Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Mediated Participation and Coproduction; Community Innovation and Community Data; Health Informatics and Wellbeing

Assistant Professor
Critical Algorithm Studies; Critical Data Studies; Digital Literacy

Associate Teaching Professor
programming paradigms, abstract math, data science, functional programming, system thinking, open-source software

Assistant Professor
Human-Computer Interaction; Health Informatics; Computer-supported Cooperative Work

Associate Professor
Natural Language Processing; Human-Computer Interaction; Crowdsourcing & Human Computation

Associate Teaching Professor
Cybersecurity; Application of AI/ML in the finacial domain; Application of AI/ML in Wildlife Conservation

Haile Family Early Career Professor in IST
Human-computer Interaction; Computer-Supported Cooperative Work; Social Computing

PNC Career Development Professor
Privacy and agency; Digital childhood/parenting; Datafication/data power

Cognitive Modelling and learning; Cognitive Architecture; Human-Computer Interaction

Assistant Teaching Professor
Trustworthy Indications of Social Interactions In-person and Online; Human-Computer Interaction; Behavioral Moderators

Crisis Informatics; Social Data Analytics; Social Theories and Methods of Information

Distinguished Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Biomedical Informatics; Affective Computing; Robotics and Computer Vision

Associate Professor
Natural Language Processing; Privacy; Computational Social Science

Associate Professor
Information Visualization/Visual Analytics; Gesture-based User Interaction; Social Network Analysis