Photo of Andy Landmesser


Part-time Adjunct Instructor
207D - Tomezsko Classroom Building
25 Yearsley Mill Road, Media, PA 19063
(610) 892-1284
Additional Title(s)
Assistant Teaching Professor in IST - Penn State Brandywine
CYAOP Program Liaison - Penn State Brandywine

Dr. John Andrew Landmesser received his B.S. in Computer Science from Drexel University, his M.S. in Computer Science from Villanova University, and Ph.D. in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University.  He also completed two National Defense University (NDU) Information Assurance (IA) certificate programs, i.e. CNSSI No. 4012 and NSTISSI No. 4011, and two NDU Enterprise Architecture certificate programs.  He received Defense Acquisition University level III certification in Systems Planning-Research-Development & Engineering and level II certifications in Program Management and Information Technology.

Dr. Landmesser's scholarly research interests in enterprise integration, cloud computing, information security, software architecture, and decision support systems are multidisciplinary involving people, organizations, and processes stemming from challenges experienced in industry when applying software solutions to business problems.  His dissertation research focused on how IT investment decisions optimize organizational value within acceptable risk using Multi-Criteria Decision Making optimizations and decision aids combined with Hypervariate Display techniques to improve decision maker comprehension, efficiency, and confidence under cognitive load.  As an IST practitioner, Dr. Landmesser's professional and academic experiences have spanned over 25 years with all system lifecycle aspects in various roles for financial, pharmaceutical & healthcare, and military software intensive systems using various programming languages and technologies.  He has presented at various industry and academic events on Cybersecurity topics and applying Software Engineering Institute (SEI) software architecture practices.

When teaching and coaching students, Dr. Landmesser likes to use his professional and academic experiences to help students develop their own career and path. Ultimately, he wants to have a positive impact on students' ability to compete successfully in a globally interconnected workplace and society.